Forest protection Project
This project offers the people in southeast Zambia sustainable development opportunities and thus counteracts the deforestation of local forest.

Clean Water and Sanitation: 67% of fresh water in the area is provided by project boreholes.
Decent Work and Economic Growth: 80% of local villagers have increased their household income.
Climate Action:The project saves an average of 160,000 CO2 emissions per year Sustainable Cities and Communities: 750+ farmers trained in sustainable land-use methods to reduce forest loss.
Life on Land: The project is protecting more than 40.000 ha of wildlife habitat. Lions returned to the area for the first time in 10 years.
Clean drinking water in Odisha in India
This project offers the people focuses on organizing the chemical treatment of water using chlorine. The chloride solution is made on-site so that the water can be made conveniently available in small village shops or delivered to people's homes.

Good Health and Well-Being: The project helps reduce diseases related to unsafe drinking water and air
pollution from boiling it.
Quality Education: Information campaigns and street theater help educate people about health risks from unsafe drinking water.
Gender Equality: Strengthen the roll of woman through time savings and trainings.
Sustainability platform for the United Nations
ClimatePartner supported AWorld, the chosen sustainability platform of the United Nations (UN) ACT NOW campaign, on their path to carbon neutrality.

The app helps individuals take climate action by merging educational content with gamification, it gives practical guidance on leading a more sustainable lifestyle, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations 2030 agenda.
The SEAQUAL Initiative
We have joined the Seaqual Initiative, a community working together to help clean our oceans, raise awareness of the issue of marine litter and highlight those helping to fight it.

Together for a Clean Ocean
This project offers different actions against marine litter, revalues post-consumer waste that is lost to the environment by developing and supporting cleaning initiatives 200 tons of marine litter have been transformed into SEAQUAL® MARINE PLASTIC 600 tons of waste have been cleaned from our oceans (estimated).
Seeds Movement
At Ukuthula, we believe in the power of small acts, so we have partnered with Bridapalla to help us protect the world with their seeds.

We want to empower everyone to plant seeds with their purchases while offering sustainably made products. Each seed label help us protect the world and reduce the negative impact of the fashion industry. Our Plantable label is a biodegradable eco-friendly paper and embedded with seeds. When the label is planted in the earth, the seeds grow and the paper decomposes. What remains are flowers